Yeh Gorgeous

Wang again, winter 2010

Esther and Suzie

I collaborated with Esther Robinson for this 2 day animation project set last year in Foundation. The brief instructed us to pick a word from 3 different lists of characters, mediums and actions and incorporate them into an animation in any way we wish. We chose an old lady, a projector and swimming. This is the result...

Location Drawing

It just didn't work

Sir Fred Birks


This series of drawings were for one of the first breifs given this year titled, ''Nursery Crimes''.
We had to take an existing nursery rhyme and illustrate it once we had made it into a crime. Taking inspiration from a children's book on rabbits that I bought from a charity shop, I chose Jack and Jill. Here is the new and improved version...

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To have some hanky panky
Silly Jill let out a shrill 
was caught, charged and locked up for having public spanky